Underground Waste Systems

HomeUnderground Waste Systems

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When there is a need for a stylish, compact and space-saving underground waste system, MODENT provides the best solutions for every need and enviroment! With nearly 30 years of experience in the business. Our modern wastecare and estate management includes also comprehensive maintenance network and flexible funding solutions. 

Best solutions for waste disposal and recycling

For an underground waste system MODENT MEGA waste compactor provides the best solution — MEGA is a space-saving and stylish system for all locations in which environment poses challenges to the designer. MODENT MEGA waste system has only a small bin on the ground. Instead the assembly underground consist of two units: a container with a metal frame and a compactor. Installation of the hydraulic HABA MEGA also saves time and recourses — installation in a ready pit takes only about three to four hours. The system is well suited to all types of waste and is an efficient solution for recycling.

MODENT ECOLIFTs are effective underground waste bins that are ideal for keeping the area clean and hiding any ugly waste bins or unwanted smells. 

Underground waste system provides many advantages 
  • Say goodbye to odors
  • Save space with a small filling bin located on the ground
  • Save the planet with an environment-friendly waste solution
  • Save resources and time with easy installation
  • Be more efficient – underground waste systems are 6-10 times more efficient than traditional or semi-underground containers
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